Treasure Island Morpeth

Treasure Island Morpeth – Easy Children’s Party

Abigail wanted her 5th Birthday Party at Treasure Island Morpeth. As she’s just started school, this is the stage of party planning that can busy. If you’ve got children at school, no doubt you’ll remember that year of no spare weekends. Parties in the morning and the afternoon. Generally, the kids want to invite everyone from the class and soft play is the easy option. The other thing we took into consideration was timing. Although Abigail is a very important person, we also appreciate that a party at 1pm – 3pm will takeover any chances of further family fun time before or after. So, a 10am – 12 noon Treasure Island party meant that at least the guests could do other events in the afternoon.

Treasure Island Morpeth

Treasure Island, Morpeth

There are a variety of options available as a party theme at Treasure Island. These include Pirate and Princess Parties, Make-over and Pinata Parties. We opted for a Disco Party.

Treasure Island Parties

As we walked in the door we were assigned a party planner, Rhona. She took care of everything we needed. Starting off by taking guests names at the entrance, helping us out with the food order. We opted for a Hot Buffet style lunch.

Soft Play Pirate Style

The kids went wild. Our kids always seem to have too much energy, so we chose to get to Treasure Island Morpeth for opening. This meant that they had a few minutes of no one else on the frames and slides. This also gave us the opportunity to have free roam on filing in the soft play. Imogen strapped on our head cam and gave a guided tour. (See video below)
The soft play is split into two main frames. One being a pirate ship, next to the other being the island. The Island contains a large wavy super slide and spiral tube slide, along with many awkward climbing situations for parents. I have climbed around here in the past and seem to remember my back not bending as much as it used to.

As the soft play started to fill up many other children started to interact and join into chasing games around the frames. Obviously I can’t guarantee the same friendly kids being there if you go, but I’ve not experienced anyone too boisterous there.

Party Games / Disco

The bell was rang and the children were summoned to the party room. Which had been darkened down to allow the laser lights and flashing LEDs to give some atmosphere. Rhona, was here organising party games in a disco style. These included a musical chairs type of game involving spots on the floor and Pass the Parcel. The kids seemed to enjoy it as I haven’t seen Pogo-ing like that since my clubbing days 10 years ago (possible more, I’m in denial).

Food, Food, Food!

The food option we went for was a Hot Buffet. This consisted of Hot Dogs, Chicken Nuggets and Chips. There are a few reasons why we went for this option rather than a cold sandwich buffet. Firstly it was chilly outside and a hot meal is always nice. Secondly we didn’t want the stress of remembering who ordered what and then changed their mind. Each child was called, by their table to the buffet to help them self and get a scoop of chips with their choice. A Squirt of tomato sauce and everyone is happy. Juice was available through out the whole party provided in large jugs.

The Meal was finished off with a traditional blowing out of the candles. Abigail had remembered last year, where she struggled to blow them out so didn’t want to fall short again. The group of friends started “Haaappy Birth”… The candles were out. Call me a stickler for un spoken rules, but I’m sure your supposed to wait for the song to be complete before you huff all over the cake!

Every child was given a party bag and a slice of cake.

Treasure Island Morpeth Parties

And we were done! The stress had been taken out of the 5th Birthday party and we were almost relaxed.

Thank you to everyone that looked after us at Treasure Island we had a great day.


3 responses to “Treasure Island Morpeth – Easy Children’s Party”

  1. Chris Speed avatar
    Chris Speed

    Great video

  2. […] 5th birthday expanded into a couple of days. The main event for Abigail was Treasure Island in Morpeth. For Imogen and the adults we were treated to a nice meal out on the Saturday night […]

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