That time of the year is almost here. The moment that all parents start to cringe. No, not the School Holidays, they can be fun, it’s about the 3rd week when it happens. “Dad, I’m bored!”. Yes, the moment when they’ve run out of new stuff to do and you’ve run out of ideas. Welcome to the Trunkaroo Monthly Subscription box!
Trunkaroo Monthly Subscription Box Review
Trunkaroo is a monthly subscription box aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 8 years old. Each box contains a variety of activities based on a theme. The sub box is educational but also fun, focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. We were given the Water Science box to review.
The Water Science box contained well-designed instruction book to carry out 4 water science lab experiments. These were Cool Colour Chromatography, Magical Dyed Bunting, Travelling Colours and Transforming Flowers. A Discoveroo magazine, which has lots of activities that continue the theme of the box through. Our Discoveroo had puzzles, games and information about the water cycle, as well as some extra science experiments. Although these would require your own equipment/ingredients.
Trunkaroo Water Science Experiments
Although Imogen is just slightly older than the suggested age, it was a great opportunity for her to work with Abigail (aged 6). She does have a little bit of a big sister attitude but love helping her out. Which was fun watching them work together, but also enabling them to work separately by dividing the kit into 2 parts.
We’ve created an unboxing video of our Trunkaroo subscription box experience
Our first experiment was Chromatography. This involved drawing an ink line on some diffusion paper and placing one end in a cup of water. As the Water passes along the paper it separates off the pigments in the ink. As some pigments are made up of several colours it’s fun to watch the colours expand into their components. The kit included a pack of “super washable” felt tip pens, which saved us hunting around.
Our next experiment involved dying mini pegs with cherry flavoured cool aid. Although our initial results didn’t WOW the kids after the pegs soaked a little longer the red colour had absorbed into them. Imogen and Abigail were fascinated with the concept of adding the powder to water and seeing it turn red. The fruity fragrance also tickled them.
Finally, we tested out the transforming flowers experiment. This was a more elaborate version of the chromatography. The kids created their own flower patterns, before adding pipe cleaners as stalks. These were then placed in a cup of water to allow the water to creep up to the flowers.
Both Imogen and Abigail had fun experimenting on the kitchen table. Although they had done a chromatography experiment before they seemed to enjoy it as though it was their first time again.
Trunkaroo Boxes
Trunkaroo is a monthly subscription service, with a range of pricing options. The longer length of subscription commitment you choose the more discount you will receive. On a one month option is it currently priced at £19.99 (plus £2.95 P&P).
You can also purchase one off Trunkaroo boxes, from their online store. These currently cover themes of Family Games Night, Growing Seeds and Bubble Science. All of which I know our two would have enjoyed.
These boxes are a fantastic way for children to dip into a topic and start learning about the subject and new techniques. Although this may not have been the intention we got something else out of the box too. With both our kids and our lives being so busy it was a fantastic opportunity to sit down and work on a project together. True we were creating a video and reviewing the box, but after we worked on the selection, we continued through the box as a family.
Visit for more details and options on purchasing or subscribing.
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