Tag: Centre for Life

  • Maker Faire UK Newcastle

    Maker Faire UK Newcastle

    This weekend saw Maker Faire UK take over the Centre for Life. Exhibitors, creators, crafters, inventors and lots of cool stuff was on display. We sort of knew what to expect as we’d been to the Maker Faire two years ago and the kids loved it. Basically speaking if your kids like science, flashy lights,…

  • Life Science Centre

    Life Science Centre

    On a cold Sunday morning we took a visit to the Life Science Centre in Newcastle city centre.  Arriving for the opening time of 11am we joined a short queue and handed over the £25 entrance fee. Maps, timetables and tickets in hand we were all set to get our inner science geek on! It had been over…

  • North East Lego Landmarks at the Centre for Life

    North East Lego Landmarks at the Centre for Life

    This weekend saw the North East Lego Landmarks and Brick History exhibitions open at the Centre for Life. The pair of exhibitions run from January 14th – 23rd April 2017. Although they share the same exhibition space they are by two different Lego Modellers. North East Lego Landmarks North East Lego Landmarks is created by…