Our little Hoopsters are obsessed with collections. I mean they will start to collect anything. My issue is that most of the collectibles they go for are small plastic items that hurt your feet when you find them on the carpet. Today we’re looking at the Meegos and Mini Meegos Collectible set. We were given a set of 4 for review.
Meegos Series 1
Meegos are a new series of collectibles soft toys. They come in two sizes. The large 5″ Meego and the Smaller 2″ Mini Meego. Each Meego is hand crocheted in this cute Dog or Puppy style. This is one of the key points that set this set out from the rest.
Meegos are made in Bangladesh in a workers cooperative. The first order of Meegos has helped create 4,000 jobs for women, which in turn has created employment in over 200 villages. Even before we look at the product there is an ethically feel-good factor to these.
In Series 1 there are 9 Meegos available, with 3 of them being Limited Edition.
Our large 5″ Meego is a spotted Dalmatian dog called Spot. The label around his (or her) neck lets us know that they have two younger puppies to look out for. They also Live in Fetch Farm. Alone, this is enough to set the seed to create a great backstory to begin imaginative play.
Mini Meegos Series 1
However, Meegos don’t just come in one size. The smaller 2″ Mini Meego is supplied blind boxed. I’m not sure which part our kids like the most the collections or the surprise of not knowing which one they are getting. In the Mini Meego range, there are 18 available with 6 of them being Limited Edition.
Each Larger Meego has 2 offspring to make a set.
Here is a close up of the sides of the box to see the pups available. The Golden Paw prints mean they are limited edition.
The rear of the box shows the full range of Dogs available.
We were lucky enough to end up with both of Spots family members, Penny and Jackson. Along with Aurora
Meegos and Mini Meegos Review
I have personally done crochet in the past. Our girls wanted mermaid tails and I know how time-consuming it is. This makes me appreciate the craft skills behind the product, more than I think the girls realise. The large ones take 5 hours to make while the smaller ones take 1.2 hours to make. The stitches are tightly made and are good quality. The price mark and styles set them out to be a high-end item.
To run alongside the cuddly crochet friends is the website mymeegos.com, which offers further details about your Meegos story, has further adventures with them and includes fun activities to run alongside them.
Meegos (RRP £12.99) and Mini Meegos (RRP £6.99) are available at selected Sainsbury’s and Debenhams stores.
Series 1 of Ultra Cute Dogs and Pups are available now, which will be followed by Series 2, Wild Animals later this year.
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