Booking a last minute Florida Holiday.

Holiday Plans for the Hoopers

So last year we started off all frugal with talk of saving money with the aim of refurbishing our main bathroom & downstairs cloakroom. We were absolutely, definitely not going abroad. But then Alan started on his mission to bag us a Florida bargain. £8K later (oops) we returned from an amazing holiday but not only ran out of dosh for the bathroom had a hefty credit card bill to boot. Still it was a fun trip!

This year we made the same plan but are determined to stick to it. My bathroom is looking more dated and I now hate it! So we need to stick to ‘budget’ this year. Still, we have plenty of mini breaks and road trips planned so here’s our plan for travel in the UK this year.

Butlins for Easter

Butlins Skegness 2016

We are massive fans of Butlins and have been coming annually since the kids were little. This Easter we have a full crew consisting of Alan’s Mam, my parents, and our friends The Speed family travelling up from Norfolk. The girls are pretty excited to have their grandparents & their best pals at their favourite place. For me, the spa always has a place in my heart and the dining plan is awesome for a break from the cooking & washing up. Alan is super excited to see Cirque du Hilarious the stage show from panto legends Danny Adams & Clive Webb.

Cirque Du Hilarious

Pods at Pooley Bridge

Hillcroft Camp Site Pooley Bridge

This will be our third trip to Pooley Bridge in the May half term. Last year we were a little unlucky with the weather but still managed to have a fantastic time with good friends. For us, Pooley Bridge is the perfect Lake District location, it’s on the ‘right’ side of the Lakes to get to quick from the North East, has some brilliant pubs & lush Lakeside walks.

We had a bad experience with a leaky tent a few years ago and haven’t looked back since discovering the ‘pods’ at the Hillcroft Campsite. They might not be much more than a glorified garden shed but you can’t whack a carpeted floor, a plug for charging phones and the extra drinking time of not pitching the tent up and down!

Hillcroft Camp Site Pooley Bridge

Glamping in Lancashire

We have been kindly invited on a press trip to Stanley Villa Farm in Preston as the weather (hopefully) warms up in May. These pods take the Lake District ones to the next level with single beds installed. No airbeds deflating in the middle of the night here. I love the idea of the packages to make the holiday more special. Sign me up for an Illuminations package. My two girl guiders love a bit of s’more action.

Illuminations Package – Light up fun for the family – Includes; S’mores Kit – Biscuits, Chocolate & Marshmallows, Glow Wands, Sparklers, & Multi-Coloured Fairy lights put up in your Pod! – £14.00 

Couples Package – A Nice Surprise – Includes; Rose shaped Fairy Lights in your Pod, Rose petals on bed, a melted Belgian chocolate dipping tray, & marshmallows – £15.00

The farm is just a 15 minute drive from Blackpool so think we will combine this holiday with a trip to the Pleasure Beach & some fish and chips on the sea front.

Summer in Burniston

Scarborough 2016

We will be spending the week at my parents holiday home in Burniston in the summer holidays. Plans are pretty loose at the moment but we are thinking about Flamingo land for a day trip. The girls love the sea front for the traditional seaside fun so sure these will figure in the plans too. Even though we have been coming to these parts for years we always find somewhere new to discover.

Meadowside Scarborough holiday let

Road Trip to Wales

Aberystwyth Castle

On our second week of the holidays, we will be heading to Wales. Inspired by Samantha from NE Family Fun’s Stratford review we are thinking of spending a day or two here en route as it’s an area we haven’t explored before. The main reason for Wales is to visit Alan’s Auntie Hazel in Lampeter who is a complete legend. Even though she is in her mid 90’s she still manages in her own cottage in rural Wales and tells some brilliant tales. We haven’t managed to sort accommodation in Wales yet but hoping to find a nice family friendly B&B or maybe some more glamping?

City Break to Liverpool

Another little press trip which coincides perfectly with our return from Wales. This time to the city of Liverpool for the night with an itinerary of events planned just for us. We last came to Liverpool before we had the girls and really enjoyed mooching around Albert Docks. Looking forward to this one and it’s all a bit of a surprise! We’ll need to get planning things to do in Liverpool.

Is that it?

Well, if everything goes as planned we’ll have our bathrooms finished and our mini-breaks will keep us entertained. There is still the temptation of Disneyland Paris at Christmas though… Keep the focus Hoopers!


17 responses to “Holiday Plans for the Hoopers”

  1. I was on the phone to Alan the other day and I am sure he could be talked into a trip to Florida with us in the summer. Once I get your Mum and Dad on board this weekend I can see that bathroom waiting till next year ?

    1. Chris nooooo! My bathroom is priority!

  2. We have no plans to go anywhere. Littlest is waiting for allergy clinic appointment as he has an issue with wheat and we can’t risk going away while this needs investigating.

    1. Victoria Hockley oh no! Hope you get to the bottom of it soon x

    2. Catherine Hooper thanks. He’s also just failed first step on milk ladder as well. Last year we went to Majorca and even with dairy and soya issues we still had a great time. The wheat issues have totally thrown us. Gluten free cooking is hard especially when the 6 year old won’t try stuff

    3. Victoria I bet! What a worry x

  3. We’re the same sacrificing our annual family holiday to refurb our new-ish (been in a year now ?‍♀️). It’s only April and the thought of no hol is killing us ?. We do have a lodge booked in the Lakes soon – any recommendations for places to go/things to do/ with the kids wud be fab (and any eating recommendations wud be fab too!!!). TIA xxx

    1. Joanne Wilkins I know I’ll be ok with the decision until I start seeing everyone’s kids tagged in swimming pool pics with the parents drinking cocktails!

  4. Screw the house updates. Just move. Go to Florida with the speeds

    1. Craig Duncan costs a lot more to move sadly!

    2. Catherine Hooper ? there is always a trick there. Find a new build that’s paying the stamp duty and fees and does part x. ? and then Florida odd you go. Or as I just said to Alan California or a cruise with us?

  5. We aren’t having a ‘big’ summer holiday either as hoping for a big trip next year. Hopefully San Francisco but we’ll see x

    1. Samantha Rickelton we aren’t either. Hoping next year either Florida or LA&SanFran ????

    2. Kelly Smith we’ve defo ruled out Florida now. I just can’t do anything on the cheap and it was going to end up costing £15k+ whereas flights to San Fran are really cheap in comparison x

  6. Catherine Hooper I’ve also been researching pods at pooley bridge and a road trip to Wales!! Spooky!! I have always wanted to visit Barry Island!! (Massive Gavlar&Stace fan) ??

    1. Kelly Smith great minds!! The pods at hill Croft are great def recommended!

  7. Wow that’s a lot of trips! I’m sure you are going to have tonnes of fun!

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