Category: Running
What Happened in 2016?
Happy New Year from the Hoopers! Thank you for your continued support as we move into 2017. Every comment, share and like of our family blog is much appreciated. The Christmas holidays have gone by in a flash and the waistlines and wallet are showing the evidence of a very festive time! We had a lovely break…
Disneyland Paris Half Marathon Day 3
The build up to today had taken nearly 18 months. I’m not joking! From not being able to run for 3 minutes, all the way to running 16km in one go. The Disneyland Paris Half Marathon had been a focus on my training and a target to hit to keep me motivated. And here we…
Junior Park Run Exhibition Park
There was to be no indulgent lie in or lazy morning watching z list celebrities making random cocktails on ‘Sunday Brunch’ for the Hoopers this week. The ‘up with the lark’ youngest members of the gang were bouncing around as usual, but myself and Alan were slightly regretting the decision when we finally stirred from slumber IN…
Blaydon Race 2016
It was on the 9th of June that world-famous Blaydon Race took place. Ever since the song immortalised it the race has been done on the same day. Our friends (The Coulsons) Stephen and Louise, suggested the race and I like to rise to a challenge. Preparation It was Thursday evening at 7:15 that race…
Color Obstacle Rush Newcastle
2015 changed my life in many ways. Most were in a positive form. Cat had decided to start the Couch to 5k with her friends on our estate. To which I thought about rounding up the husbands to do the same. I’ve never ran properly in my life. I was always the kid at school…