Casper Mattress Unboxing, Review and Discount Code

Casper Mattress Review & Unboxing

As part of our ongoing refurbishments, we eventually took on the Master Bedroom. We completely gutted it and decided to renew everything. One of the main items at the top of the list was a new Casper Mattress since we’d read a Casper mattress review. Our Previous pocket sprung one had lasted 7 years, with an additional 3 years being eeked out of it. We’d seen the new foam-based mattresses advertised on Facebook and decided it was the perfect choice for us. After all, we were upgrading our room so we should aim for the best.

Casper Mattress Review and Discount Code

Casper Mattress Review

Our King Size Casper Mattress arrived in a sturdy cardboard box with four handle slots. Two at the Top and two at the bottom. You may think this is strange that I’m reviewing the box, but it was these extra lower handles that made carrying it upstairs so much easier. Being a tightly packed mattress in a box helped the long journey from the front door to the bedroom in our townhouse. We easily wound around the 2 flights of stairs. Something that I can’t say about the downwards journey with our old mattress.

We lifted the box onto the bed frame and slide the mattress out of the box. The tightly wound bundle remained on one piece. Catherine grabbed the end of the plastic roll and slowly unfurled. There is a 2-bed length sheet of plastic wrap holding it together, so we had to reposition the mattress and repeat.

In my mind, the mattress would spring into life like an emergency life raft at this point. Although in reality, it was a fully controlled release. Being vacuum packed, the sealed bag made any movement slow.

Casper Mattress Unboxing, Review and Discount Code

After maneuvering it into its final position Catherine cut open the sealed bag. The intake of air started to hiss as the mattress slowly inflated. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was actually quite excited at this.

Casper Mattress Unboxing, Review and Discount Code

How long does Casper mattress take to inflate / expand?

Once all the wrap was off the bed was ready for sleeping on. Although the instructions mentioned it could take up to 24 hours to fully inflate. We felt it was inflated enough to sleep on within an hour. However, we did notice a difference with the mattress cover the next day after work. Any slight wrinkles on the side had been full pulled out after 24 hours, but this was purely aesthetic.

Casper Mattress Unboxing, Review and Discount Code

Casper Mattress Sleep Test

The unboxing is only part of the process, the main important detail is what is it like to sleep on? We set up our bed at 9 pm and by 10:30 pm we packed up for bed. Even though it was only an hour and a half out of the vacuum packing the mattress felt soooo good. It felt soft on the top but firm and supportive as you laid on it.

We had been used to a pocket sprung mattress with a memory foam top. As Casper is fully foam based, it does feel different. Different in a good way. A traditional mattress has an arrangement of stitched “buttons” and stripes on top. However, the surface of the Casper Mattress is smooth, with a slight “waffle” pattern on the top. This gives it a much smoother feel when lying on it.

It is quieter than our old pocket sprung mattress. The occasional ping or groan of the springs (when rolling over) is eliminated as there are no springs. Finally, I also noticed less movement in the mattress. What I mean here is as Catherine gets in and out of bed, the mattress isn’t moving like a taught trampoline. The right side’s motion seems to soften the left sides movements.

Casper Mattress review

We slept on the mattress for 10 nights before writing this review. Thinking that it would take some adjustment to the new feel. In reality, we had the best night sleep for a long time on the first night. Each following night we slept all the way to the alarm and didn’t want to get up.

One more detail that we noticed was that it didn’t feel hot and sweaty! I have previously slept on foam topped mattresses and woke up feeling too hot. Casper has added an innovative airflow layer to this to prevent this issue.

There are only so many words that we can use to describe the most comfortable sleep we’ve had in a long time. So instead I’ll add in our unboxing video below

How Firm is a Casper Mattress?

From the point of view of a person with a bad back, I was keen to have a mattress that had support. How firm could a memory foam based mattress be? The answer was quite surprising. After the first few nights of sleeping on the Casper, we got used to the way it felt. The Memory foam layer conforms to your back, while the lower layers help support. For the first time in a long time, I had an undisturbed night sleep. When lying on my sides the foam absorbed the pressure of my hips.

We felt it wasn’t too firm to be comfortable, but surprisingly firmer that you’d expect from a foam based mattress that came rolled up in a tiny box!

How Long Does a Casper Mattress Last?

Update: Two years after writing this review on the Casper Mattress, we still think it’s the most comfortable mattress we’ve owned.
The Official answer would be that there is a 10-year warranty on the mattress. So I’d like to imagine that it would last that long. However there was a campaign to change your mattress every 8 years, so If it lasts 8 years I’d be more than happy.

Casper Mattress Unboxing, Review and Discount Code

Finally, if you would like to purchase a Casper Mattress, we have been given a discount code to share with you.

Simply visit the Casper Mattress Website.


6 responses to “Casper Mattress Review & Unboxing”

  1. Fantastic review Alan! I’m sold! We are looking for a new mattress and this looks perfect for us. We too have a townhouse and the stairs are a nightmare for getting mattresses up – I didn’t even think how useful the box would be. I can’t get over how much it inflates from being rolled so small. I’m adding this to our shortlist!

    1. You’ll not regret it. I love the silence of the no springs as well as the smoothness of its surface. No lumps 🙂

  2. Love everything about this mattress! Especially the way it’s packaged – bet you wish you could have packed your old one up back in the box to dispose of it.

    1. Removing the old one was a nightmare. At least we’ve sorted it all now. So comfortable 🙂

  3. I have no idea about casper mattress. But i have a new mattress for my bedroom. I want to think about some different mattress such as stay comfortable, foam, luxurious. So which mattress is suitable for me?

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