
Geocaching in the North East

One of the reasons we started this blog was to focus more on exploring our local environment and see regional attractions. Sometimes this involves spending money on admission fees, but occasionally we come across a very low-cost option. This is where Geocaching came back in.


Geocaching is a mini exploration challenge that some one has set up for you to complete, nearly free of charge. The idea is that someone has hidden a “Cache” in a location, which you then have to find. You are given a clue to its location via a GPS pin point. Once you arrive at the location you need to hunt around to find hiding spots for the “cache”. When you find it you simply write your name on the piece of paper inside and log it on your Geocache App.

In Reality

OK, I very much simplified it, but it is a basic hide and seek game to find a piece of paper to sign (then hide back in its location). When you are successful it is the most rewarding game in the world. We have had some fantastic days / early evenings out recently geocaching around our estate. There is quite a lot hidden around Great Park, Newcastle. Sometimes the finds are very easy to get to, others are frustratingly difficult that I’ve been known to give up. Luckily Imogen is more determined than me, which has prevented my calling it a day, several times.

They are all difference shapes and sizes. In the photo above Imogen is holding a Nano Cache, which contains a tiny roll of paper to sign. The Largest one we round was shoe box size. One things for sure that the size of the cache doesn’t make it any easier to find!

Havannah Nature Reserve.

A few weeks ago our friends The Coulsons and The Walkers got together to get our kids involved in Geocaching. The Walkers hadn’t really done it before, but the Coulsons are a few more finds ahead of me (grrr! competitive dads!).

Havannah Nature Reserve
We discussed a plan of action and chose to walk to the Havannah Nature Reserve as it connects to Great Park and there is a route of 8 geocaches to find. We set off at 10.00am and after an hour we hadn’t even reached the Havannah yet, so to try to get the kids interested we were walking past a Geocache that Imogen and I had found a few days earlier.

The Hidden Trig Point

Hidden on the estate is a Trig Point. For those who didn’t know Trig points were laid out across the country to help re-Map the UK to a more accurate standard around 1965. These points were used to divide the country into triangles and measure the between the points. Many of them have since been destroyed or moved. The one on our estate is still in place, but the environment has grown over it.

Hidden Trig Point

Hidden Trig Point
There is a Geocache to find here, but the point that I wanted to raise was that I’ve run past this Trig Point nearly every week for a year and a bit and didn’t even realise it was there.

We continued on into the Reserve and with our team of urban explorers. We started to follow our little flashing signal on the Geocaching App. When we were eventually “on” the right spot we started to look around everywhere. Sometimes there are clues to the hiding location. The one Below was hidden in the base of this snail, that Abigail found.

Geocache Snail

Another find was hidden amongst the stump of a tree. The location of the stump was off the beaten track, but added excitement to the trek and the kids loved it. When Imogen Spotted the Ammo box we were all surprised at the size of the Cache we had found. Most of the previous finds were based in the old 35mm camera film canisters.


This Cache was also a little different as sometimes they contain items to swap. Inside this one was a medal, a toy r, rubbers, a jigsaw and a necklace. If we had thought on we would have brought something to swap, but planning isn’t my strong point.

At the End of 4 hours Geocaching, the kids still wanted to find more, but it was well past our lunch time and we needed to make tracks.

We signed all the logs we found and returned them to the original locations. I have purposely kept this blog a little vague as finding the cache is the fun in the hobby and if I showed exactly their locations then it wouldn’t be fun. Or even worse “Muggles” would spoil the fun. As Geocaches are hidden in public locations the exact position needs to be kept a secret. To try to prevent non Geocachers from finding them and removing or relocating them.

For more details and to sign up for a free account visit You can play this real world exploration game for free, but you gain access to more locations if you upgrade to the premium account, which is £20 per year. Which isn’t a lot of money when you consider the amount of fun you can get out of it.

Right, I’m off to find more Caches than the Coulsons!


17 responses to “Geocaching in the North East”

  1. Helen Angel avatar
    Helen Angel

    We like geocaching too are a good few to find around here. It’s good fun and a good way to make the children Walk further

    1. Here Come The Hoopers avatar
      Here Come The Hoopers

      We parked at the far end of your street last night to get 3 caches before bedtime.
      I think there is a few more that have been added this week.

    2. Helen Angel avatar
      Helen Angel

      Oh will have to look thank you

  2. I’ve never tried Geocaching but it sounds like so much fun – are they just in our country or worldwide? Do you know?

    1. Geocaches are everywhere worldwide. We’ve looked for some in Newcastle town centre, on our estate, nature reserves. There is one at Northumberlandia!
      We’ve even worked out that there is one around the corner from the hotel we’re going to in Mallorca this summer! When you get into it you’d be amazed.

  3. Vivien Ivison avatar
    Vivien Ivison

    Great to here your geocaching. We love it. We are called ‘the vivster family’ but we just sign vivster. Whst your name and we can link up as friends on the site.

  4. Here Come The Hoopers avatar
    Here Come The Hoopers

    We’re hcthehoopers

    1. Here Come The Hoopers avatar
      Here Come The Hoopers

      But sign as Hooper, sometimes there’s barely space to sign that!

  5. Anna Ward avatar
    Anna Ward

    Glad you are enjoying geocaching! The big one in Havannah that you found is one of our hides, we have a few around Gosforth.

    1. Here Come The Hoopers avatar
      Here Come The Hoopers

      That was awesome to find. We did joke that it wasn’t what we were looking for and just an unclaimed military left over.
      We’ll check the others out too.

  6. […] Geocaching in the North East […]

  7. […] Geocaching in the North East […]

  8. […] It was a sunny Sunday morning and as we were still child free, I didn’t want to waste the morning by lounging around. I knew that from Catherine’s previous day’s exertion that she wouldn’t be very spritely. So it was time to top up on some geocaching! […]

  9. […] a cold day and we were ready to split the gang for an afternoon of shopping (me and Abigail) and Geocaching (Alan and Imogen).  Everyone’s a […]

  10. […] Geocaching in the North East […]

  11. I wish I had seen this when first published, I could’ve been enjoying 10 months of Geocaching! I’ve recently signed up to the app and look forward to exploring soon. I love the idea of discovering previously unnoticed features of my local area too! June 🙂

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